Hey guys, so Cover Reviews with Cute Cat Gifs are something I've been doing for quite a while on Goodreads, but have never actually ended up uploading any to my blog, but I feel as if they're slightly more informal, maybe..?
I'm going to give it a go though, because they're actually pretty popular (as far as my reviews go, haha), and I'd really love it if you'd leave some feedback in the comment section below!
So without further ado, I present to you my first Cover Review with Cute Cat Gifs on Blogger:
Hey! Hey you!

Please take a second or two to prepare yourself for the unsolicited cheesiness that is this cover review/reaction..
Picture this:
It's just an average afternoon on Goodreads. I'm just minding my own business, scrolling through my to-read shelf when-

I notice that Dark Debt's cover has been released. At this point I don't even pause to scrutinise the thumb-sized image. I just click; pounce, if you will.

Unfortunately, everything from here just kind of goes downhill..

(I think the picture says it all..)
The cover does nothing for me. And before anyone feels that they have to give me the 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' speech,

There isn't a specific part of the cover that I don't like (although I'm not too sure of the colour scheme for this one), it's just all of the different aspects of the cover added together that displeases me. For instance, for me personally, the title doesn't look quite right where it's been placed in relation to the image and the model looks nothing like out previous Merit's, which for some reason always irks me..

I really love this series (I meant with Ethan-freakin'-Sullivan, who wouldn't?), so it's a real disappointment for me because the way books look in my bookshelf plays a huge role in whether or not I actually get a physical copy or just the ebook..
Over & Out, T xx