BOOK TITLE: Just for Now
AUTHOR: Abbi Glines
PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster
RELEASE DATE: October 30th 2012
MAIN GENRES: New Adult, Contemporary Romance, Realistic Fiction
Amanda Hardy has been in love with Preston Drake ever since he called her beautiful on her sixteenth birthday. There is however the slight issue that he doesn't seem to notice her. Oh, and he's a manwhore.
Preston Drake didn't get a good start to life, but he's done the best he can, and that means doing everything to make sure his brothers and sister get everything he never had. Even if that means sacrificing the one thing, the one girl, that means everything to him.
Well hello there, it's been a while, hasn't it?

I've recently realised I start a lot of my reviews with the word Wow. So instead, let me begin with this:
Holy. Mother. Of. Wows. Everywhere.
Abbi Glines sure knows how to write a good book. Having read all the other books in the Sea Breeze series, I thought I knew what to expect. However, I just wasn't prepared for Just for Now. It blew me away.
Don't get me wrong, the other books were all amazing, but this one just got to me.. It most likely had something to do with the
Did I mention yummy?

Frankly though, the entire book took my breath away. No, literally. The Prologue was so outrageously original that I had to go hyperventilate into a paper bag.
Ok, no I didn't. But I'd recommend keeping a paper bag handy when reading Just for Now. You've been warned.
On a more serious note though, I thought the character development was amazing, and I feel as if Preston is almost a different person by the end of the book.
I mean, the guy has his flaws, but damn; he's got some good things going for him:
He's athletic, and good enough to have a baseball scholarship.
He's caring and looks after his three younger siblings, and ultimately makes the best choices for them.
He's caring, and looks after his three younger siblings and ultimately makes the best choices for them.
He's patient when it comes to Amanda and doesn't make fun of her inexperience.
He has a way of making things right in the end. Even if it means he has to work hard to do so.
And he's just so goddamn huggable. I mean really, he's simply irresistibly huggable!
I'd highly recommend Just for Now to anyone, and everyone who likes/loves/cannot-live-without new adult romances with such realistic, flawed and yet utterly lovable characters.
Ironically, Just for Now will be one of those books that Just Stays with You.

PS: Madame Glines, if you're reading this, I know I want never gets, and that it's rude to make demands of people you've never actually met.. But Amanda got Preston and she really wanted him.
(I'm getting sidetracked)

So.. I really want a book about Krit; really bad! I'm a sucker for a band member, especially a lead singer!
Just keep it in mind please?
Over & Out, T xx